

Depression In Women: 5 Things You Must Know

Depression In Women: 5 Things You Must Know

The past few years are witness to many eye-opening incidents and discussions towards the importance of mental health. There is more understanding of its vital role in general wellness. There is an openness to discuss the difficulties of navigating through mental health conditions. It has encouraged many to approach diagnosis and receive the right treatments.

The stress of our everyday lives could burden our mental wellbeing. Sometimes it requires more than just a relaxing day to cope with the effects. 

Depression is a common mental health condition that affects a large percentage of the world population. A vast majority of women suffer from depression triggered by several reasons during their lifetime. Here are five important things to know about depression among women.

1. Depression Is More Than Feeling Sad

All of us feel sad or low sometimes. For women, the time around menstrual cycles can be an emotional roller coaster.  But when the feeling of sadness is overwhelming and starts to affect everyday life, it could be a symptom of depression.

Depression is a severe mental health condition. It can have a toll on both physical and emotional well being. Women suffering from depression tend to feel low, unmotivated, hopeless, guilty, suffer from loss of interest in everyday activities, fatigue, loss of appetite, eating disorders, weight loss, overeating, weight gain, the feeling of unworthiness, or in some extreme cases, even suicidal.  There might be one or more of these symptoms in women. The phenomenon is complex and affects everyone differently.

Clinical Depression is a diagnosed mental health condition that one cannot simply snap out of. Positive thinking, emotional support, and encouragement can help towards betterment. But in most cases, individuals will need proper treatment by health care professionals to overcome the illness.  Professional services such as women only rehab centers in jacksonville are the right places to receive the treatment and care required to overcome the ailment.

2. It Is Different for Men and Women

Statistics show that women are more likely to suffer from depression compared to men. Some believe that the reason behind this could be the fact that men and women experience depression differently. The symptoms are significantly different between the genders, and so are the responses.

Reliving negative feelings and dwelling on them is the most common symptom among women suffering from depression. They tend to have an overwhelming feeling that causes them to break down into tears for no reason. Also, evidence indicates that the intensity of the effect of a stressful or traumatic experience, such as a loss of a job, financial constraints, or death is higher in the case of women than men. Their natural response to stressful conditions is significantly stronger due to hormone composition. It indicates that they show a higher probability of developing depressive disorders.

Even though women might suffer from a higher probability of developing depressive disorders due to biological challenges, men might show subtle or no signs of depression. It means that the diagnosis of depression might be higher among women rather than men. It could be the reason behind the conclusion of the studies. Men may resort to alcohol, drug abuse, gambling as a response to their disorder.

3. Some Types Of Depression Are Unique To Women

Certain types of depression are associated with biological changes during the different stages of a woman's life. These are unique to women and require special care.

The premenstrual dysphoric disorder is a severe form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). The condition could cause irritability, extreme mood swings, prolonged periods of sad and hopeless feelings. It could also influence appetite changes, bloating, breast tenderness, and suicidal thoughts.

Perinatal depression includes depression during and after pregnancy. Prenatal depression occurs during trimesters. Postpartum depression refers to the condition that develops post-childbirth. Pregnancy is the time for various physical and emotional changes for a woman. These could be difficult to cope with.

The time after childbirth can also be intense, with much less time available for self-care. Women sometimes suffer from a lack of bonding with the child, feeling of unworthiness, or anxiety about failing as a mother. These feelings could be symptoms of depressive disorders.

Postmenopausal depression is when the condition develops during the transition stage into menopause. The fluctuations in hormones and the abnormal menstrual cycle can cause a lot of problems. These include insomnia, hot flashes, mood swings, and depression.

4. There Are Wide Variety Of Treatment:

Depression is a curable ailment that requires proper treatment and self-care. Even severe cases of depression can be coped with the right combination of therapy and medication.

One of the most common treatment options for depression includes psychotherapy. It aims to initiate a communication channel to understand the trigger or reason for depression in women.  Therapists use cognitive behavioral therapy or interpersonal therapy to improve the condition. They may use a combination of different techniques to understand and treat the condition better.

Some women are also prescribed to use antidepressants in combination with therapy. Depression is different for different people. Hence the treatment options also vary based on the individual.

5. Lifestyle Changes Can Elevate The Effects of Treatment:

Approaching professional help is the right way to treat depression. But certain lifestyle changes can enhance the results of these treatments. Switching to a healthy diet free of caffeine, alcohol, processed food, sugar can be a good step. Including fresh foods such as vegetables, fruits, seafood, nuts, beans, can improve physical and mental wellness.

Regular exercise can increase serotonin levels in the body and keep one happy. Physical activity such as swimming, cycling, running, aerobic can help to stay fit. Good sleep and relaxation can also improve the condition. 

Depression among women is nothing to be ashamed of. Watching out for common signs of emotional distress could help diagnose the condition early. 

Mental health conditions are a natural part of being human. The reasons could be biological or external factors. But there is no shame in acknowledging the problem and approaching a solution. Like other ailments, diagnosis at the right time, followed by the necessary treatments with a bit of self-love and care, can help individuals suffering from the ailments cope with it.

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