

Beneficial Of Cinnamon And Uses of Cinnamon

Beneficial Of Cinnamon And Uses of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is the bark of evergreen trees of the genus Cinnamon, mainly used as a spice. The first mention of cinnamon dates back to the 2nd century. BC, when in ancient China spice was literally “worth its weight in gold” and it was presented as a gift to the emperor’s distinguished guests as a sign of deep respect. And cinnamon is mostly famous for cinnamon calories.

Cinnamon trees grow in the tropical climate of Asia, the largest plantations are in Sri Lanka. Cinnamon has the color of milk chocolate, a sweet-spicy taste , and aroma.

Cinnamon calories

The calorie content of cinnamon is 261 kcal per 100 grams of product.
Calories, kcal:         261
Proteins, g:               3.9
Fats, g:                      3.2
Carbohydrates, g:  79.8
So now you have a clear image of cinnamon calories.

Composition and beneficial properties of cinnamon

Cinnamon contains essential oils with antimicrobial properties, it is used as an ingredient for the manufacture of medicines for colds and warming ointments. Eating cinnamon lowers blood sugar and increases the body's insulin activity. Manganese, which is part of cinnamon, is necessary for the absorption of calcium, so it is recommended to use cinnamon as a prophylactic against osteoporosis. 

A hot drink based on cinnamon, ginger, honey and lemon increases the protective properties of the body during an exacerbation of colds. Cinnamon stimulates digestive processes, improves intestinal motility.

Cinnamon Harm

The use of cinnamon can cause allergic reactions and provoke a deterioration in some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer).

Kinds of Cinnamon

Cinnamon varies by species:

· Ceylon - is considered the highest quality, only the inner layer of the bark is used, cinnamon sticks are thin, easily broken and have the most intense aroma;
·  Chinese - called simple, fragrant cinnamon or cassia consists of all layers of bark, sticks are usually twisted on both sides, hard, red-brown in color, with a spicy aroma and a slightly burning taste;
·   Indian - the so-called wood cinnamon, has a thickness of 3 mm, a tuberous surface and a heterogeneous brown color.

Selection and storage of cinnamon

It is wiser to purchase cinnamon in the form of sticks, then grind immediately before use to preserve the flavor of the spice (calorizator) as much as possible. Cinnamon sticks should be whole, dry, without a whitish coating. When buying ground cinnamon, it is better to choose Ceylon.
Cinnamon sticks are stored in a tightly closed glass or ceramic container in a dark place, packages with ground cinnamon are stored in a dry room.

Cinnamon in cooking

Cinnamon is used for the preparation of various desserts, pastries, pies with fruit or berry filling, and cereals. When heated, the cinnamon aroma reveals more, and the beneficial properties do not disappear, so the spice can be safely added to hot drinks, including alcoholic ones.
Cinnamon goes well with other spices - cloves, nutmeg, anise, it is added when baking lamb and beef. The cinnamon stick is used as a decoration and a kind of coffee spoon. Whipped cream, ice cream, milkshakes, jelly, mousses and sambuca are sprinkled with ground cinnamon.
For more information on the benefits of cinnamon, see the video, “Spices That You Can Drink: Cinnamon,” on the TV show, “Live Healthily!”.

You can use the benefits of cinnamon calories in your daily life in various ways. Specially in weight loss. According to many keto specialists natural keto supplements should contain cinnamon for rapid weight loss.

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